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A Square Group LLC (ASG) was recognized as the Number 2 Small Business on CIO-SP 3 during the NITAAC Quarterly Briefing on July 14, 2022.

CIO-SP 3 is a 10-year Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract vehicle for streamlined ordering of required Information Technology (IT) solutions and services. CIO-SP 3 was Designated “Best in Class” by the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB). There are 339 Small Businesses on the CIO-SP 3 vehicle.

The focus for ASG is 100% on our customers and their requirements which involves trust, understanding, and optimal solutions that result in a perfect end product.

Congratulations and Thank you to the ASG Team. Your consistent hard work, focus, and dedication are appreciated.

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